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Link Goal with To-do

Linking To-dos to goals in an organization is of significant importance. It ensures that To-dos and activities are aligned with the organization's common objectives.

  • Step 1: Identify the goal that needs to be linked to an To-do.
  • Step 2: In the goal editing screen, select the "To-dos" button to create the action to be linked.

  • Step 3: Enter all the necessary information for the To-do.

    • Title of the “To-dos
    • To-do Owner
    • Deadline for completing the To-do
    • Team Owner
    • Detailed description of the to-do (if applicable)

Additionally, if this action is personal and does not need to be shared with the team, you can enable the "Personal To-dos" feature to avoid confusion with other actions.

If the To-do is collectively owned by multiple individuals, you can also "Clone" this action to share it with other team members.

  • Step 4: Complete the process of linking the action to the goal and review it.

That's it! You have successfully linked the goal with the action.