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Advanced Filter Goal

Using Rocks filters helps to focus on the most important to-dos, improving efficiency and freeing up resources for more critical activities.

How to Use Goals Filters:

  • Step 1: On the "Rocks" page, pay attention to the "Search" toolbar in the top right corner of the screen.

  • Step 2: Click on the "Filter" icon to select the filtering method:

  • Filter by the "Status" of the Goals.

    The system displays the status of the Goals in three main categories:

    • Done.
    • On Track.
    • Off Track.
  • Filter Goals by "Due Date".

    • Here, you can view Goals based on specific business periods (Quarter, Year).
  • Filter archived Goals.

    • You can review all the Goals that have been archived previously.

  • Filter Goals by "Owner".

To prioritize goals by owner, follow these steps:

  1. On the "Goals" interface, select the "Avatar" of the person you want to filter.

  1. In case you only want to display your own Goals, select the "Inbox" button.

Note: You can combine multiple filters to get more precise search results according to your needs.

You have just learned about the priority goal filters on Simplamo. Apply this feature to optimize your time and enhance work efficiency.