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Types of Meetings

When meetings are regularly organized and effective, it helps improve communication quality, direction and planning, problem-solving, building relationships, and performance evaluation. This fosters coordination and progress within the organization.

For Simplamo, meetings are divided into two separate categories:

Regular Meetings:

These meetings are regularly held to track the organization's execution progress on a weekly, quarterly, and yearly basis. They ensure the balance of business activities.

Private Meetings: 

Private meetings are often used for:

  • Exchanging information within departments;
  • Specified meetings, such as Meeting on new year financial plan; Meeting on staffing; Meeting on 2024 Marketing Strategy;
  • 1:1 Meetings in some special ocasions.

Note: Each team within the organization will have its own separate meeting stream.

Key Differences

MeetingsPrivate Meetings
For regular meetings on Simplamo, there will be three main parts: - Sharing good news. - Reviewing and reporting progress. - Issue-solving.In private meetings, the focus is only on the review of issues and their resolution.
Participants: All members in the department attend the meeting.Participants: Only members added to the "Private Team" attend the meeting.
Meeting Duration: It can last up to 90 minutes to ensure the highest level of concentration for the team.Meeting Duration: Private meetings typically last between 75-80 minutes.