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Optimize Vision

This tool will help you crystallize a concise Vision with just 8 questions on 2 pages. It supports leaders in materializing and sharing their vision, which was previously only in their minds, for everyone to see.

Inputting Data for the Vision

The business vision consists of 3 main pages:

  • Vision: Represents the organizational culture and the big picture of the organization.
  • Focus: Represents the goals for the year, quarter, and the long-term issues the business is facing.
  • SWOT: Displays the strengths and weaknesses of the business.


Inputting the data for the Vision page, follow these steps:

Step 1: On the left side of the screen, select the feature "Vision" in the toolbar.

Step 2: In the Vision interface, click on the “pencil” icon to update the information.

Example: In the Vision page interface, you need to add information for "Core Values". Click on the icon of this block to perform the editing operation.

  • Click the "plus" icon to add Core Values.

  • Provide a description to convey detailed information.

Similarly, you can edit other sections on the Vision page using similar steps. For a more in-depth understanding of Vision, you can refer to [[here]](


On the Focus page, you will find the goals for the year, quarterly goals, and a list of long-term issues. To add information to these blocks, follow these steps:

Step 1: On the left side of the screen, select the feature "Vision" in the toolbar and choose the page "Focus".

Step 2: In the Focus page interface, click on the “pencil” icon to update the information.

  • Revenue
  • Profit
  • Measurable
  • Quarterly Priority Objective, Yearly goals

To add new information, click on the plus icon to create individual fields.


  • When setting yearly goals, select the corresponding year cycle. Similarly, for quarterly goals, choose the appropriate business cycle.
  • Quarterly goals are derived from yearly goals.

Example: When creating the yearly goal "Optimize advisory processes for Industries (renewable energy, healthcare, automotive, electronics)" for the year 2024, click on Cycle 2024.

Long-term issue List

During business operations, you will undoubtedly encounter issues that cannot be resolved immediately. The inability to address them immediately may be due to a lack of methods or insufficient time, among other reasons.

Example: Business growth sustainability model, economic downturn, reduced consumer spending, etc.

These are all issues that cannot be immediately resolved. Therefore, you can add these issues to the long-term issue list of the business on the Vision board by following these steps:

Step 1: On the top toolbar, select the feature "Issues".

Step 2: Enter issue information:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Category
  • Team Owner
  • Issue Owner
  • Select "Long-term" as the issue deadline to add it to the list of long-term issue on the Vision.


SWOT analysis helps organizations, projects, or individuals understand the current situation, identify and seize opportunities, cope with threats, improve weaknesses, and leverage strengths for development and success.

To update the information for the SWOT board on Simplamo, follow these steps:

Step 1: On the left side of the screen, select the feature "Vision" in the toolbar and choose the page "SWOT".

Step 2: In the SWOT page interface, click on the pencil icon to update the information.

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats