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Publish Your Vision

Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the Vision Tool.

Step 2: Start entering data on each page by clicking on the pencil icon for each question.

Remember to click "Save" after adding/editing information.

Vision Page

The Simplamo screen will first display the Vision page. Answer the 5 questions and enter the corresponding data:

  1. Core values
  2. Business value
  3. 10-year goal
  4. Marketing strategy
  5. 3-year goal

Focus Page

Continue by clicking on the Focus page to answer the remaining 3 questions using the pencil icon:

  1. 1-year plan
  2. Quarterly priority goals
  3. Long-term issue list

Step 3: After completion, share it with the team by clicking the "Publish" button in the top-right corner.

Enter the "Vision Name" and the "Cascading Vision" that the leadership wants to convey.