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Publish Vision

Publishing the vision of a business helps to identify and communicate the goals and development direction of the enterprise to stakeholders, creating trust and consensus within the organization. It also helps to focus efforts and resources on common goals and provides a clear direction for employees and the organization.

Publishing the Vision Statement

To announce the vision statement on Simplamo, please follow these steps:

Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.

Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Publish" button.


  • When publishing the vision statement of the business, please make sure to name the published version according to the following formula: "Vision Name + Publish Time + Current Year"
  • Enter the message to be communicated to the team when publishing the business vision.
  • Once published, you will not be able to edit the information of the vision statement anymore. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider and reach consensus with the team before publishing the vision.

Creating Draft Version

We have successfully completed a quarter and are now setting goals for the new quarter. At this point, let's create draft version. Creating draft version means creating a new vision statement.

Here are the steps to create a draft version:

Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.

Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Create Draft" button.