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Vision Management

Vision management plays a crucial role in determining the development direction, motivating employees, and shaping organizational culture. It helps organizations focus on common goals, achieve consistency in activities, and contribute to sustainable development and success.

Reviewing past Vision published

Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.

Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Drafts" tab to review the list of published vision statements.

Deleting Vision

Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.

Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Drafts" tab to review the list of published vision.

Step 3: Hover over the vision statement version you want to delete and click on the "Trash" icon to proceed with deleting the vision statement.

Note: Once you delete a vision, it cannot be restored. Therefore, please consider and reach a consensus with your team before deleting it.

Downloading Vision

To download a vision statement on Simplamo, please follow these steps:

Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.

Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Settings" icon.

Step 3: Select the "Download" feature to complete the process of downloading the business vision statement.