Vision Management
Vision management empowers organizations by providing a clear direction, boosting employee morale, and cultivating a shared sense of purpose. This leads to increased productivity, innovation, and overall organizational success.
Review past Vision published
Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.
Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Drafts" tab to review the list of published vision statements.
Delete Vision
Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.
Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Drafts" tab to review the list of published vision.
Step 3: Hover over the vision statement version you want to delete and click on the "Trash" icon to proceed with deleting the vision statement.
*Note: Once you delete a vision, it cannot be restored. Therefore, please consider and reach a consensus with your team before deleting it.*
Download Vision
To download a vision statement on Simplamo, please follow these steps:
Step 1: On the left toolbar, select the "Vision" feature.
Step 2: On the Vision page interface, click on the "Settings" icon.
Step 3: Select the "Download" feature to complete the process of downloading the business vision statement.