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Linking measurable to Vision

This is an extremely important case. Linking weekly metrics to the business vision board helps make data calculation and review more transparent and accurate. To perform this linking, follow these steps:

Step 1: On the left side of the screen, select the feature "Vision" in the toolbar and choose the page "Focus".

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" icon in the top right corner of the screen and enable the "Align with Metrics" feature.

Step 3: In the Focus page interface, click on the pencil icon to update the "Measurable".

Step 4: Here you have two options:

  • Create a new measurable
  • Select existing measurable


  • If you choose to create a new measurable, it means you are creating a measurement indicator on the scorecard.

  • If you choose an existing measurable, the system will display a list of metrics on the scorecard that have been created and added to the business vision board for monitoring and measurement.

  • Make sure that the measurable added to the Vision have accurate and appropriate measurement and calculation measurable.