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Create Smart Measurable

The smart metric allows you to set up a formula similar to Excel so that the system can automatically calculate its actual value through the linked metrics.

Details about Smart Metric

Let's start with a simple example.

We will create a smart metric named “Total Revenue” and this metric will be the sum of 2 metrics:

  • Product Revenue
  • Training Revenue


At the Leadership Team level, you will create the “Total Revenue” metric.


In the Sales department, you will create the remaining 2 metrics, “Product Revenue” and “Training Revenue”.

** In the traditional way, every time the sales department's revenue metrics are updated, the sales department's managers will manually record and update the revenue metric for Leadership. This can be time-consuming and error-prone.

So, let's apply the smart metric in this case.


  1. Open the details frame of the “Total Revenue” metric, then enable the Smart Metric mode.
  2. Choose the formula setup.

Formula Setup

When choosing formula setup, the system will open an interface for you to customize.


  1. Select the related metric types.
  2. The supported formulas by the system.
  3. Detailed explanations about the related metrics.
  4. Choose the value type the formula needs to perform:
  • Formula value will be blank if any linked metric is not input: The system will note if any of the linked metrics are not input (left blank), then the value of the target metric will not be considered.
  • Metric not input will default to a value of 0 or blank: The system will note if any of the linked metrics are not input (left blank), then the value of the target metric will be 0.


  • Select the Sales department.
  • Choose to set up the “Product Revenue” and “Training Revenue” metrics.


  • Detailed information of the 2 linked metrics.


  • Next, press Finish and Save the formula for your target metric.


Now, outside the target metric, others can see the formula of the linked metrics you have set up. When the linked metrics are updated, your target metric will automatically update accordingly.