Core Process
This process is designed to help employees complete tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The philosophy behind building a simplified process on Simplamo is as follows:
Step 1 - Identify:
Identify and name the core processes of your business (e.g., Marketing Process, Sales Process, Operations Process, Finance & HR Process, etc.).
Step 2 - Document & Simplify:
For each core process identified in Step 1, the department head should write down the main steps.
For each main step, create 1 to 5 sub-steps and assign a responsible person to clarify how to perform the main step.
Step 3 - Package:
Gather all the core processes written in Step 2 into a business operations manual and store it.
You can store the process manual as a physical handbook or in a computer folder, but to make it more visual and accessible to employees, digitize the core processes of your business on Simplamo.