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Simplamo Updates v1.27

🎯 Goal

In this latest update, we have enhanced the user experience with our AI assistant. Furthermore, the data suggested by the AI is of higher quality and more closely aligned with your specific needs.

A notable feature upgrade is the "Vision" feature, which allows you to link key performance indicators to your business health monitoring dashboard. This enables your organization to focus on building strategies without worrying about data.

Explore further in the sections below!

🚀 New Features

You can now link performance indicators within the Vision dashboard to department-specific health monitoring dashboards. In doing so, the system automatically aggregates data for monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting periods.

Link Key Performance Indicators

💪🏾 New Updates

Enhanced AI Assistant & AI-Suggested Content

The AI assistant has received numerous updates, enabling you to modify information when the AI suggests results. Additionally, the system has optimized the AI's response time and content alignment to better match your business criteria.

Enhanced AI Assistant

Comment on Metrics

You can now leave notes on the indicators you update, providing clarity to management or department members about your goal progress.

Leave Notes on Indicators

Automatically Save Data

Data is automatically backed up when you update information or content within the system.

Automatic Data Backup

Schedule Meetings

Within each department, you can set meeting times and frequencies on the system to remind team members of scheduled meetings and synchronize meeting times with Google Calendar.

Schedule Meetings Automatically

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Update Expectations on Indicators
  • Fixed Display Issue with Linked Objectives' Status
  • Fixed View Details of Issues in Meeting Records
  • Fixed Duplicate Widget Issuesh