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Simplamo Updates v1.21

📢 What's News?

The Simplamo system has improved its mobile interface to enhance user experience and increase the usability of the application. The improvements include:

  • Setting up Teams data on the Sidebar
  • Updating the color of icons
  • Optimizing data loading speed
  • Reducing the number of steps required to switch pages.

💪🏾 New Updates

Linking Tracked Milestones and Process

The Simplamo system has integrated the Process feature to store various tracked milestones. This feature allows users to reuse previously tracked milestones in other projects or task chains without having to start from scratch. This helps optimize time and increase work efficiency.

Right-Click Items

Simplamo has improved the user experience by allowing users to quickly manipulate data in the following features:

  • Goals
  • Metrics
  • Issues

Users only need to right-click to perform various quick actions.

Merge Issue

The Merge Issue feature of the application helps users eliminate duplicate or unimportant issues to focus on more important priorities. Using this feature not only saves time but also helps users stay focused during meetings. Additionally, the Merge Issue feature helps users easily manage issues and avoid confusion when performing tasks.