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Annual Review 1:1

I. Overview

The Annual Evaluation is a direct, serious, open, and one-on-one working session between the Supervisor and the Subordinate.

The annual personnel evaluation plays a crucial role in reviewing the entire work process and contributions of the personnel over the past year towards the overall goals of the Enterprise. Its purpose is to facilitate salary increases, propose promotions, or suggest other directions. It is carefully archived in the company's personnel records.

II. Preparation

Before getting started, let's remember a few points for both the Evaluator and the Evaluatee:

1. For the Evaluator

  • Please ensure to schedule the meeting with a minimum of 1 week's notice.
  • ENCOURAGE conducting the meeting outside of the company premises.
  • Use the question framework on Simplamo to guide the conversation.
  • Real-life evidence is required for each assessment criterion.
  • Acknowledge achievements and employee's efforts; provide commendations.
  • Quickly note down the employee's points raised during the Simplamo discussion.
  • Conduct a self-assessment to provide a self-rating leadership and managerial skills, then press "Save" on Simplamo.

2. For the employee (being evaluated)

  • Upon receiving an email about the upcoming session, conduct a self-assessment before the official meeting date. Then, select "Complete" to allow the Management level to see your self-assessment results.
  • Be honest and open about issues or suggestions.
  • Adhere to the appointment schedule.

III. 8 Sections

This working session on Simplamo comprises 8 sections as follows:

1. Core Value Assessment: Identify the right people.

2. Organization Chart Role Assessment: Identify the right seat.

(review the section "How to know if someone is truly a fit")

3. Work Results Evaluation: Utilize information from Priority Goals, Scorecards, and Actions. Focus on question "What is effective?" and "What isn’t effective?"

4. Strengths & Achievements:  Provide a list of items of your noteworthy strengths and achievements from the past year.

5. Areas for Improvement: List areas where improvement is needed in the job.

6. Improvement Plan: Create an action plan to address the mentioned areas for improvement.

7. Additional Comments: Answer the following questions:

  • What is your proudest accomplishment of the year?
  • What is something that could have been done better in the past year?
  • Is there a process that could be optimized at any step?
  • Did you identify any core issues to focus on for improvement?

8. Supervisor Evaluation:

  • Management Competence
  • Leadership Competence

III. Execution Process

The initial 2 sections of the conversation are intended to assess how the employee has adjusted to the Right People - Right Seat factors during the first three quarters of the year.

During the official conversation, the Evaluator will act as the Facilitator. Follow the following 5 steps in sequence, just as in the Quarterly Conversation.

Throughout the conversation, note down any ineffective elements as "issues" for discussion together in Step 4.

Step 1: Warm-up

  • Supervisors & Employees share one personal good news and one good work-related news from the past Quarter.

Step 2: Listening to the Employee

  • Supervisors / Evaluators listen to their employees' self-assessments based on the prepared 8-section conversations framework.

Step 3: Feedback

  • Supervisors / Evaluators provide feedback to employees regarding identical material.
  • For each "No" or "-" evaluation factor, about 3 real-life examples are needed for validation.

Step 4: Problem Resolution

In this step, classify issues into 3 categories:

  • Unresolvable issues: Clarify and agree upon. If it's a company-level issue, Management should make a note and raise it in the Leadership Team meeting.
  • Supervisor-handled issues: Clarify with the employee about how to handle it - Processing time.
  • Employee-handled issues: Clarify or guide the employee on how to handle it - Processing time.

Step 5: Conclusion

Summarize the next steps.

Based on the employee's self-assessment, supervisors will provide their observations and evaluations within the software. The supervisor's evaluation will be the final version, which will be forwarded to the HR department for further processing.

For both the Evaluator and the Evaluatee, provide truthful and well-evidenced assessments for each other over the entire year's work (aim for about 3 pieces of evidence for each "No" or "-" assessment).

After the Conversation is completed, its results can be viewed on Simplamo.

Best luck with your conversation.